
Ever since meeting with our extension agent on Monday, I can’t stop thinking about weeds! When Uncle Honebunch spend three days sulking with a tummy ache after gorging on horseweed, I got a bad case of weed angst. Now that I can identify a few more, they menace me less. And while there are plenty of vexing weeds out here, a few otherwise useless ones are pretty enough, and favored by the bees and butterfiles, so I’ll let them be for now. I’m a little hamstrung without a dslr (you really can’t sneak up on bugs with a point and shoot), but I did snap a few pretty butterflies before I scared them off:

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

I learned that the X-files weed I was fretting about is the perfectly safe Illinois Bundle Flower (and, it turns out, good forage for the sheep). 

Mystery Weed #18 Seed Pod Detail: Young

Mystery Weed #18

Mystery Weed #18 Seed Pod Detail: Maturing

Mystery Weed #18

Mystery Weed #18 Seed Pod Detail: Dry