
I recently borrowed a copy of the 1970 Sheepman’s Production Handbook from our extension agent, and I liked it so well, I ordered my own copy. My used copy came with several 70s pamphlets from the Montana cooperative & extension service. Speaking of Extension, I’m officially in the Master Gardener program, and I am psyched! At our orientation, I learned all about how Extension came about. It’s very cool! You should totally take advantage of your extension, America! It’s awesome! (Hint: you don’t need to be rural. You can find out what’s eating your tomatoes or making your ivy wilt or when to plant squash.) If you don’t know about it, google your state or county and the word extension.


Here’s one of my favorite pictures. Naturally, he’s smoking. Nothing like a smoke to take the edge off when you’re lambing!

Remember when life was still like Mad Men, when everyone smoked, all the time? I remember when I smoked all the time, and now it seems impossibly alien. And dude, I am not that old. Okay, yeah, I’m kind of old.
