Covid Update for Fall Fiber School

NOTE: Yarn School is full (we’re limiting capacity somewhat with the delta variant). Felt School has a few openings. Please contact Nikol ( for the wait list.

As you know, all students and staff at Fiber School must be fully vaccinated, but the delta variant poses new challenges, so we wanted to update you on steps we’re taking to minimize our risk and keep us all safe.

If you’ve been to our workshops here before, you know that there’s generally a ton of room to really spread out and safely distance. Our main challenges are meals and Dye Lab, so here’s what we’re doing to address them:

  • We’ve reduced the overall enrollment and room capacity. This gives us more room everywhere, but particularly in Dye Lab.
  • We’ve added ventilation and air purifiers to Dye Lab, and we’re developing new procedures to reduce close contact.
  • We’ll be serving all meals outdoors. We’ve invested in large canopies, lots of tables, and outdoor heaters to allow well-spaced outdoor meals in comfort. In the case of truly inclement weather, we can move individual meals to the gym, which has ample room for safe distancing.
  • We’ve added air purifiers to shower rooms. We’re limiting bathrooms to one at a time, and we’ve switched to paper towels and napkins. Student access to the basement will be limited as well.
  • The Howes have retired, and we’ve opted against a replacement field trip this year to avoid crowded cars, but we do hope to bring in fiber animals if we can do so safely.
  • We will require masks of everyone on the airport shuttle. And of course, hand sanitizer will be available throughout the buildings.

If you have any questions, concerns, or additional suggestions, do not hesitate reach out to me. My personal risk aversion in the Covidtimes is pretty high, and keeping everyone safe is at top of mind. These measures have eased my concerns, but I welcome your feedback, and we’ll adapt further if the facts on the ground change for the fully-vaccinated. I’m relieved that vaccinations are still proving highly protective in preventing serious illness, even against the delta variant.