Big News!

First bit of news a big shift! In order to continue to offer new workshops within our seasonal limitations, we’ve decided to make Yarn School an annual instead of semi-annual offering. Since so many of our regular students can only attend the spring or the fall session, we’ve decided to keep both, alternating between years. So starting next year, the plan is Spring Yarn School in odd years, and Fall Yarn School in even years. That means this fall’s Yarn School will be the last one until next fall (next spring Yarn School will be in 2021). We’ll be sticking with our new, smaller class limits, because those really big sessions meant less attention and more chaos for everyone.

So, what’s taking the place of the second Yarn School? Starting next year, we’ll have a brand spankin’ new fiber workshop on offer: Dye School! This intensive course will be taught by Hello Yarn’s Adrian Bizilia. If you love the taste of dyeing you get during Yarn School, but you really want to go deeper and get nerdy with it, this is for you! The details are still in the works, and we’ll announce them later this year.  Like Yarn School, Dye School will alternate between spring and fall. (We’ve had a lot of interest in doing the same with Felt School and Rigid Heddle School, and we’re looking into that as well.)

I’m also delighted to report that Dress School was a great success, and we’ll be partnering with Sonya Philips of 100 Acts of Sewing to offer it again next year! So if you couldn’t make it this year and you had your fingers crossed that it would be back, you’re in luck! We don’t yet have the dates set, and it may switch between spring and fall each year as well.

Finally, I wanted to remind everyone that Cheese School returns to the Harveyville Project October 31 – November 3 this year! Registration will open in late June or early July.

Oh! And we may be offering one more last-minute workshop this fall–news to follow later this month!